The subject of Geography and History in 3º ESO consists, as its name indicates, of two parts. Regarding Geography, Physical Geography is studied, as a review of the contents of 1º ESO, Political Geography and Economic Geography, in the first term and first half of the second term. Regarding History, the Modern stage is studied, therefore from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. In fact, we follow this order, because in 2º ESO we study Urban Geography and in 4º ESO we study the Contemporary stage. Our students have the Geography and History textbook and the complementary material with references to Castilla-La Mancha of Santillana publishing company. All in Spanish. For this reason, units translated into English are provided and work is done based on PowerPoint viewing. In addition, we carry out various activities that allow us to work on the contents in English as listening, texts or games such as Taboo.
3º ESO